J. R. Rogue first put pen to paper at fifteen after developing an unrequited high school crush and has never stopped writing about heartache. She has published multiple volumes of poetry and novels. Her work has been recognized with three Goodreads Choice Awards nominations, a testament to the impact of her work on readers.

In addition to her writing, J.R. Rogue is a certified yoga teacher with additional certification in Yoga Nidra and Trauma-Informed Yoga. She is passionate about mindfulness and meditation, and currently studying Foundations in Meditation. Furthermore, J.R. Rogue has been sober from alcohol since January 1st, 2020, a personal achievement that she is proud of and that has strengthened her commitment to mindfulness and wellness.

J.R. Rogue resides in a small town in the Midwest with her family, where she enjoys a peaceful life reading and telling stories. Through this website, you can explore her work, keep up with her latest news and events, and learn more about her journey as a writer and yoga teacher.

You can find important links and information here.


If you are interested in learning more about foreign language and audio adaptations, please contact Two Daisy Media.


You can reach out to J.R. Rogue through the contact form on this website or by connecting with her on social media. She is an active and engaged member of the online writing and mindfulness communities, and she loves hearing from readers and fans.

You can also join her mailing list to keep up with everything she’s working on.